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Oktagon 47

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For several times already we had the honor to participate in one of the top sports events of the season - OKTAGON 47! The combination of exciting fights, fantastic atmosphere and the presence of many famous spectators made this evening in Bratislava an unforgettable spectacle full of unexpected twists and turns. The perfect atmosphere full of fighting energy was also complemented by our beautiful Hot Peppers Prague hostesses, who took care of the comfort of the visitors in the VIP zone and charmed the smiles of the whole surroundings.

The biggest highlight of the evening, which the audience was waiting for, was the dramatic duel between the welterweight champion Karlos "Terminator" Vémola and the interim champion Pavol Langer. The thrilling clash between these two fighters ended in record- breaking fashion as Vémola ended the fight after just seven seconds to defend his belt in the welterweight division! Despite being ranked 83rd in the world championship rankings, Langer went home empty-handed on this night.

Another attraction was also the return of "Diamantový Čáv" Pukač after more than 2 years in Slovakia, who faced a challenge from "Mighty Rooster" Kohout. He set himself an ambitious goal of dominating the welterweight division.

Besides, we had the opportunity to watch the long-awaited "Silent Killer" Lucie Szabová and the elite lightweight fight between Legierski and Rysavy, fighters who were heading for the first place in the rankings. In addition, there was also a memorable Siwiec vs. Gogoladze fight in the welterweight division, with the latter having 8 wins in under 100 seconds.

The evening could not have gone better, and we are delighted to have been part of this fantastic sports event. See you next time!

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