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Oktagon 45

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Last weekend in Prague was a historic moment for all MMA fans that they will never forget. The 45th Oktagon occurred on the Štvanice island and turned into a wilderness full of excitement, emotions, and dramatic twists. In a place full of MMA fans and celebrities, our beautiful hostesses from Hot Peppers seated the guests in the VIP zone and guided the fans through an unforgettable evening.

The atmosphere at the venue was electrifying, thanks to the fighters who prepared for their fights with maximum dedication. The night's highlight was the long-anticipated fight between the champion of the lightweight division of the Octagon, Losen Keita, who Hot Peppers promote, and the old king of the Octagon, Mateo Sanikidz.

Despite suffering an injury early in the fight that unfortunately forced him to withdraw, Keita has not lost hope for a happy life. In front of the crowd, he boldly decided to take a significant step forward. He knelt before his beautiful girlfriend with love and determination and proposed to her. The wounded warrior's romantic gesture was one of the most touching moments of the entire evening.

This weekend in the Octagon, they proved that sport is not just about winning and losing but also about human qualities such as courage, determination, and love. The matches may be over, but the memories of this weekend will live on. Whether fans watched the fights with excitement, marvelled at the strength and courage of the fighters, or were moved by Keita's romantic gesture, this weekend in the Octagon will be in the hearts of many, and we're glad we could be there.

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